Below, see the excellent and meticulous work of DTRP for the Do The Dilla visuals (logo, cd cover, flyer, sticker) in process, it's amazing ! Well done Dave !
Watch out 'cause my man Chief is gonna spank you with his new solo album "Drone Beats & Electric Waves", a collection of haunting and bewitching instrumentals crafted specifically for this project. It will be released on January 31st, so be ready and don't forget to get your pancake, you will not regret it ! This one will come with a download voucher which includes an extra 14 tracks for free download. Big up Brother !
"This is Barbu TV, dubstep music, you like Son Of Kick, j'aime les garçons français...". Yes, this is Grems brand new video ! He's kicking us with his mad and fresh lyrical ! This guy is damn freaky and so talented ! Check also the t-shirts he designed himself on And guess what, Grems will come back in Switzerland again with Ntek and I'm gonna do their dj live support on January 14th at the Fri-Son in Fribourg, yay !
Santa Claus didn't forget you ! Your gift still under your Christmas tree and it's not too late to unpack it ! La Menuiserie crew (Moog, Onelight & Flying Pou7) has invited Sushief'Lan Band (for reminder Chief & Ngoc Lan) on their platform for a Christmas mix called "Swiss Wood". Download it hereunder... Thank you again for the french-swiss connection and happy holidays to everybody !
French fries, samurai sauce, violet candies & belgian beers are yummy ! A big shout out to Mr Comb (our new recruit in FFYS team) for inviting me in Brussels. Hell yeah, we rocked da house at Le Roi des Belges with Lefto, and Fatoosan was also there to show her best dance moves ! Thank you again for the great time we spent together. Below, a small video overview I've made, enjoy !
A huge thanks to all the music lovers, family & friends for having watched the first video show of "45 Minutes With Ngoc Lan" + for your lovely words. And a big shout out to my freaky friends for their participation to the scenario, you are the best !
Tomorrow, I will introduce you something new, an "homemade" video show in live from my living room. Indeed, it's an overview of my musical universe. You will discover my heartbeats of all time from hip hop to UK garage + I prepared a small scenario... Surprise ! Be connected on Wednesday November 24th from 20:30 to 21:15 on !
The funk master Dâm-Funk did it again ! We find him now with his new album titled "Adolescent Funk" a pure vintage electro funk discovery. All tracks were made and recorded between 1988 and 1992 on a tape, old school ! Listen a sample of this album in clicking hereafter "I Like Your Big Azz (Girl)"... Keep the funk alive !
Danger ! This new video is a freaking mad story written by Mika Abadie (alias Son Of Kick) and Nicolas André. The music contains all the heavy and sick bass ingredients + reunited Natalia Clavier, Grems, Disiz & Micro Coz, there is also some apparitions of Orifice Vulgatron from the Foreign Beggars who's acting a doctor role. In watching this video, you will certainly get crazy like them and will have this "lalalalalalalalala" melody in your head ! So can you dig it ? Download the single hereafter : "Son Of Kick - Guacha". Lalalalalalalalalaaaaaa !
This Thursday, you're welcome to party with Grems, Son of Kick, Ntek, Funkydelic and us ! We're waiting for you at the Loft Café in Lausanne and guess what, it's free !!! In addition, here is Grems featuring the Foreign Beggars last video, enjoy !
Last week end, my homeboy Dj Green Giant (1st place) and I (2nd place) won the Red Bull Thre3Style in Lausanne. We are then qualified for the Swiss final which is taking place on Saturday October 23rd at the Alte Börse in Zürich.
Below, some "clichés" from Adee and a video that announces the results of the Red Bull Thre3Style contest.
Thanks again for supporting us (the "green" and the "yellow"), see you next Saturday in Zürich city !